Google Sheets - Map chart

In Google Sheets you can easily make a map chart. Currently it is only able to plot high-level maps such as at country level. It does not do well in lower level geographic regions.

Map at country level

Suppose a company sell products to many countries in the world. The data is below:

1. Select the data. Click Insert > Charts. It automatically produce a bar chart. Let's skip the bar chart. Under Chart types, scroll down to Map and select it.

2. A pretty map chart is shown. In this chart, the smallest values are in red and largest values are in green. So for this company, China and USA are the largest markets, while Germany and Australia are the smallest markets.

Map at state level or below

You can also make map at state level or below in Google Sheets. However, it is not that pretty. For example, a study shows pollution level in 4 states of USA, like below. To make a map, do the same as above. However, you need to choose Geo chart with markers (the one with circles), not the general Geo chart. If you choose the general Geo chart, nothing will be shown on the map.


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