Google Sheets - WORKDAY.INTL function

The WORKDAY function answers questions like this: what date is it after 15 work days from 1/3/2020? WORKDAY function assumes that Saturday and Sunday are not work days. However, in some countries, the rest days may be Sunday and Monday. WORKDAY.INTL solve this problem.


WORKDAY(date, number of work days, [weekend], [holidays])
  • weekend is optional. weekend is a string of seven 0s and 1s, representing seven days from Monday to Sunday. 0 indicates work days and 1 indicates rest days. The default is "0000011", which means Monday to Friday are work days, while Saturday and Sunday are not weekend. If Sunday and Monday are rest days while Tuesday to Saturday are work days, we should use "1000001".
  • Holidays are optional
  • If number of work days is negative, we calculate like what date it is 3 work days before this date


In the above example, it shows that 25 work days after 1/2/2020 is 2/13/2020 in China.


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